Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Morgan Freeman Believes He Is God!

Femebra Femenice Katinghan Posted by Femi Katin on June 12, 2012 at 1:45 AM
Someone pull out a chair for Morgan Freeman to sit himself down in.
The veteran actor recently stirred up controversy with his thoughts on God. Freeman gave an interview where he said he believed he was God. The conversation started off as a light conversation about Freeman’s thoughts on God. The question that set things off was when Morgan Freeman was asked if we, as a society, invented God. Freeman honestly answered, “Yes,” and things went left from there.

Though the Oscar winner believes we invented the notion of God, he doesn’t consider himself an atheist. When approached with the question of whether he was in fact an atheist, Freeman responded, “It’s a hard question because as I said at the start, I think we invented God. So if I believe in God, and I do, it’s because I think I’m God.”
Does this mean Morgan Freeman is in the Illuminati? You know some of their teachings has to do with humans believing they are God. Or could it be he is suffering from delusions because he’s played God in a few different movies? I don’t know what Morgan Freeman’s deal is, but he needs to go somewhere with all of that “I’m God” talk., preferably far away from me.

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